Thursday, April 15, 2010

First Review!

So, I have just completed sampling the brand "Pelmeni ot Palicha" - Uralskie.
The come in 500 grams packages and here are some important specifications:
- They are "soy-free" aka without fake meat.
- They do not contain any genetically modified products

The meat is a mixture of beef, pork and chicken.
The price they are sold at is 130.59 Rubles per 1/2 kilo package.
Doing some math, and thats 261.18 Rubles or $9 US or €6.6 per kilo (as off 15.04.2010).

I have some favorite spice combinations and here is my input for this particular batch:
- some black peppercorns
- some crushed red pepper
- dry bay leaf
- crushed coriander
The cooking instructions are on the package, just follow those.

The pelmeni it self is of a smaller variety, ____ in diameter.

The cooked pelmeni, with a bit of butter, sourcream and hot sauce are indeed fantastic! This is by far my favorite pelmeni I have tried for this particular price range. If cooked according to the instructions, such as my batch, the pelmeni have soft and tender dough, which has not deteriorated and turned into goo. It is thin and sturdy at the same time. The meat has also maintained it's form and shape and has not fallen apart or turned mushy. I attribute these two factors as some of the most important to a good serving of pelmeni, since often mushy meat or soggy dough, or combination of both, spoil the food.This particular pelmeni contain the juice really well and do not let it drip out into the bowl. The meat texture is very pleasant and full of taste.

SO far, this one is by far the best kind! Going to add pictures to it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I just deleted my old entrance that I made a year ago, and now i m starting a brand new blog, that might actually be usefull!

Fuck it, lets do it live.

I am a recent recipient of a certification that makes me a connoisseur of pelmeni.
If u don't know what pelmeni is, then u shouldn't be here. If u are curious, wikipedia that shit right away, or read on.
Pelmeni (пельмени) is a dish originating from Tatarstan and Siberia, now considered part of Russian and Ukrainian national cuisine. Pelmeni is a type of dumpling consisting of a meat filling that is wrapped in thin unleavened dough. They are sold frozen by the kilo, boil them with spices and then consume. The most important part is that they are delicious.
You also can put whatever your want on them, the most common are:
- Sourcream
- Butter
- Mayo
- Ketchup
- Salsa
- Soysauce
- Tartar
- Thousand Islands
- Mango pickle
- and a lots hot sauce!!!
- BBQ Sauce (havent tried)
Basically, whatever can cool them down and allow you to eat them as fast as possible.
Easy to make, easy to eat. A perfect dish some would say.

A goal for this blog is going to be simple: "Whats is the best brand of pelmeni for its taste and price?"

Over the course of this blog I am going to set up some form of criteria to pass on judgment.
As this is the beginning, I am about to make some and fuckin' blog about it.

Bon Apetit,

Cheff Mario Vitaly